Aug 3, 2023

Pretty Impressive

{UX/UI Analysis}
{ Design }
{ Figma }
{ Marketing }
{ Animation }
Scope of work
{ Agency }
{ Start Up }
About the project

Let's take a look at Pretty Impressive, an expert in the world of marketing whose specialty is creating customized strategies for effective demand generation. We are convinced that in this day and age you can't rely on standardized methods to stimulate demand. The hallmark of successful companies is a unique strategy based on each company's individual offer, values and competitive advantages.


During our task, our goal was to skillfully present clients with the potential metrics they could achieve by partnering with Pretty Impressive. We decided to realize this goal through a modern infographic style that neatly highlights key aspects and creates logical associations when viewed.

As a result, our approach enhances clients' understanding of the value of the service, which in turn strengthens their motivation to seek advice. Thus, the website demonstrates a steady conversion rate and minimal bounce rate, reflecting the success of our project.

The development process

During our work, we developed a website that is minimalist and neat, with additional modern design elements. For example, we integrated infographics and lottie animations to give the site a modern feel. The design also incorporates accent yet moderate colors that draw attention while maintaining cohesion and a unified style.

Typography & Colors
Next case
{ Prototyping }
{ Design }
{ UX/UI Analysis }

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